The day is almost here. Primary Day is next Tuesday, March 15. At that point, win or lose, the primary season will be over. Before we get there, I thought it would be good to write a little bit about what distinguishes me from my opponent. I have tried my best to take the high road in this campaign and focus on (i) issues directly relating to our schools and (ii) attributes that I have that make me a good candidate rather than mentioning what I see as the weaknesses of my opponent. Even though I am going to comment on the differences between my opponent and I in this post, I will continue to take the high road and focus on myself rather than showing my opponents weaknesses in this post. I hate to have to mention that I am doing this in my post, but I felt it necessary because it speaks to the type of campaign that I have tried to run.
As a starting point, if you are interested in seeing a non-biased analysis of the two candidates in my race, take a look at this week’s write up in the Triad City Beat. A link to the article is here. I believe the writer did a good job of capturing views from both of us while also providing some good and important facts about our backgrounds that show ways that we are different. Like I said, I encourage all District 3 voters to take a look at the article for a non-biased analysis.

I have been at this for several months now and have spoken on several panels with my opponent and I can't say for sure why he is in the race. I have heard him say lots of different things and he may very well have some good reasons for running, but what I can promise you is that I feel very strongly that his reasons for running are not as good as mine. I'd ask you to focus on why I am running when you go to the ballot box. I have attempted to set out those reasons why I am running in my previous posts. I'd urge you to look back at my prior posts and read about what I see as my heightened sense of empathy that drives me in my campaign.
For ease of seeing what I stand for in this election, here are links to my prior posts:
Why Voters Should Vote For Me For District 3 of the Guilford County Board of Education (Part 3)- I am a Dad, and not just that, I am an Autism Dad.
A Request and What Will I Do If I Am Elected to the Guilford County School Board (Part 3) - Accountability Without Making Excuses
Why Voters Should Vote for Me For District 3 of the Guilford County Board of Education (Part 4)- Character
A Post By Caroline Pearce
I'd urge you to look at my campaign material and see how I have spoken about how I think we need to refocus the schools priorities back to our classrooms and build bonds between teachers, students, and parents so we have fully engaged teams working to provide every student with a quality education. I would even point out that I have heard my opponent reiterate several of my points during panels after I have made the points in previous writing or speaking opportunities. I have taken this as the ultimate sense of flattery that my opponent apparently liked my ideas enough that he thought he would adopt them for his own.
For ease of seeing what I stand for in this election, here are links to my prior posts:
Why Voters Should Vote For Me For District 3 of the Guilford County Board of Education (Part 3)- I am a Dad, and not just that, I am an Autism Dad.
A Request and What Will I Do If I Am Elected to the Guilford County School Board (Part 3) - Accountability Without Making Excuses
Why Voters Should Vote for Me For District 3 of the Guilford County Board of Education (Part 4)- Character
A Post By Caroline Pearce
I'd urge you to look at my campaign material and see how I have spoken about how I think we need to refocus the schools priorities back to our classrooms and build bonds between teachers, students, and parents so we have fully engaged teams working to provide every student with a quality education. I would even point out that I have heard my opponent reiterate several of my points during panels after I have made the points in previous writing or speaking opportunities. I have taken this as the ultimate sense of flattery that my opponent apparently liked my ideas enough that he thought he would adopt them for his own.
Another place where I believe there is a difference between my opponent and I is our records of making a difference in the causes with which we have become involved. I encourage the voters to look at my record before they go to the ballot box. You can look at my opponent's record as well if you like, but I ask that you focus on me. When the voters look at my record, they will see that I have a record of being a successful parent advocate. This is exemplified by my recognition as Autism Speaks National Parent Advocate of the Year (I know I have mentioned this several times but I mention it again because I am very proud of the award). When the voters look at my record, they will see that I have a record as a leader, not a follower. This is exemplified by my recognition as one of the Triad's 40 Leaders Under 40. When the voters look at my record, they will see that I have a record as an accomplished attorney. This is exemplified by my recognition from Super Lawyers as a "Rising Star," by Business North Carolina magazine as a "Young Gun," and by NC Lawyers Weekly as an "Emerging Legal Leader." Hands down, I believe if voters run a comparison of the records of my opponent and I, the voters will see I am clearly the better choice for District 3.
A third place where I believe there is a difference between my opponent and I is our professional experience. While I certainly do not believe that our school board should be comprised of all lawyers, I do think that my professional experiences would bring an asset to the school board that my opponent cannot bring. As a commercial real estate attorney I understand the intricacies of facility construction, financing and maintenance. My knowledge and experience in this regard will provide valuable when the school board is required to make decisions relating to facilities and these decisions are required a lot. As a litigator I understand that just about every action has certain effects and risks and I know how to evaluate that risk when a decision is required to be made. If I am elected, I will not just have to rely on the School Board's legal counsel when tough decisions are required. Instead, I will be able to conduct my own analysis in order to determine what should or shouldn't be done.
This is getting lengthy so I am going to stop. But before I do, I hope that the voters in District 3 will really investigate the candidates before they vote. I hope the voters won't just go with the person whose name they have seen on the ballot before or the person who has a relative who is in office. No, I hope the voters will look at the both of us and make an informed choice. If the voters will do that, I have no doubt that they will see that I am the better choice for District 3.